Explain the nursing management of head injury.
What are the treatment used for spinal cord injury? Explain its nursing management.
Write a brief note on prolapse of intravertebral disk.
List the causes of encephalitis. Explain its nursing management.
What are the treatment used for the management of encephalitis?
Explain the nursing management of trigeminal neuralgia.
Explain in brief abput poliomyelitis.
Explain the nursing management of parkinson's disease.
What are the causes of epilepsy. How is it diagnosed ?
Explain the nursing management of seizure.
What are the causes of brain tumor. Explain its treatment.
What are the causes of brain tumor. Explain its treatment.
Why lumber puncture is performed ? Explain its nursing management.
Why brain scan is done ? Explain its nursing management.
Explain the nursing management of coma.
Explain the nursing management of convulsion.
Explain the nursing care of patient with paralysis.