What are the management of puerperal sepsis ?
What are the Causes of vulval haematoma ?
How can we manage vulval haematoma ?
What are the Predisposing factors and aggravating factors sub involution of uterus ?
How can we do Management of sun involution of uterus ?
List the causes of urinary tract infection ?
What are the causes of incontinence of urine ?
What are the treatment or Management of incontinence of urine ?
Define Puerperal venous thrombosis and list its type ?
What are the causes of venous thrombosis ?
Define the term Superficial vein thrombosi and Deep vein thrombosis .
What are the causes of thrombophebitis ?
What are the Treatments and drugs use in treating thrombophebitis ?
What are the Postpartum depression symptoms ?
What are the main cause of postpartum depression ?
What are the causes of Puerperal psychosis ?
List the of postpartum pyscosis ?