Quality of OT Nurse

Subject: Medical and Surgical Nursing II (Theory)


Being a competent OT nurse is not an easy undertaking. A nurse should be ready for a lot of dedication and hard work. Emotional stability, communication skills, kindness and empathy, flexibility, qualification and training, technical skills, conceptual skills, decision-making skills, and confidentiality are all traits of nurses in Operation Theater.


Being a competent OT nurse is not an easy task. A nurse should be ready for a lot of dedication and hard work. The characteristics of Operation Theater's nurses are:

  • Communication skills
    An outstanding nurse have strong communicating and listening abilities. They can easily communicate with patients and families to understand their needs and lay out the course of treatment because they can easily follow directions and understand patients' needs. They are able to describe the patient's treatment. They ought to establish effective communication with the OT team.
  • Emotional stability
    A good nurse is emotionally very steady. Nursing is a demanding profession in which nurses see numerous terrible events, suffering, and death. A great nurse is someone who can work while preventing significant personal harm from stress. A nurse should have a strong mind and not be upset by such things.
  • Kindness and empathy
    A excellent nurse is compassionate toward the suffering and sorrow of the patients. They possess the capacity for compassion and consolation. Even if a patient is combative, a nurse should maintain composure and kindness with them. A nurse needs to be sensitive to the patients' suffering and pain. Instead of getting angry with the patients, he or she should offer them consolation and empathy.
  • Flexibility
    A skilled nurse is adaptable with regard to duties and working hours. Long stretches of overtime, late or evening shifts, and weekends are frequently needed of nurses. Being a nurse requires a lot of time because medical emergencies can happen at any time.
  • Qualified and trained
    A excellent OT nurse should have extensive education and training. She should be well-versed in the nursing field and have received training from a reputable institution. She ought to be eager to learn more at all times. An OT nurse needs good professional skills above all else.
  • Technical skills
    It has to do with having the capacity or expertise to carry out tasks in a particular manner. This could include knowing how to perform a specific nursing procedure, assist in surgery, operate a machine and make repairs, etc. This ability is absolutely essential for nurses who work in OT.
  • Conceptual skills
    The capacity for creative thought to consider needs, problems, events, possibilities, or consequences. the originality of the answers found. Ability to assess a situation quickly through observation. This ability is crucial for circulating nurses and scrub nurses.
  • Decision-making skills
    It is the capacity to choose the most advantageous course of action from a list of alternatives in order to address the issues at hand. A nurse working in the operating room must make hundreds of decisions each day.
  • Confidentiality
    It is among the most fundamental needs of patients. She must regard this. Every matter that shouldn't be disclosed should be kept confidential by nurses who work in OT.



Things to remember
  • Being a competent OT nurse is not an easy task. A nurse should be ready for a lot of dedication and hard work.
  • Emotional stability, communication skills, kindness and empathy, flexibility, qualification and training, technical skills, conceptual skills, decision-making skills, and confidentiality are all traits of nurses in Operation Theater.
Questions and Answers

It is not easy to task to be a good OT nurse. Nurse should be prepared for extremely hard work and dedication. The qualities of nurses in Operation Theater:

  • Communication skills

A great nurse has excellent communication skills that include speaking and listening. They are able to follow the direction without a problem and can easily communicate with patient and families to understand their needs and explain treatment. They are able to explain the treatment given to the patient. They should develop good communication with the team of OT (surgeon, anesthetic, technician etc)


  • Emotional stability

A good nurse is very stable emotionally. Nursing is a stressful job and nurses see many traumatic situations, suffering, and death. A great nurse is one who is able to work without allowing the stress to cause great personal harm. A nurse should be mentally strong and should not get disturbed by such incidents.


  • Kindness and empathy

Great nurse has empathy for the pain and suffering of patients. They are able to feel compassion and provide comfort. A nurse should be calm kind to patients, even if they are aggressive. A nurse should understand the pain and suffering of the patients. He/she should provide comfort and sympathy to patients, instead of getting angry with them.


  • Flexibility

A good nurse is flexible about working hours and responsibilities. Nurses are often required to work long period of overtime, late or overnight shifts and weekends. Nursing is a time demanding profession as a medical emergency can occur at any time.


  • Qualified and trained

A good OT nurse should be highly qualified and trained. She should have sound knowledge and training of the of the nursing profession obtained from reputed institute. She should always be ready to learn more. Good professional skills are most for an OT nurse.


  • Technical skills

It deals with the ability or proficiency of performing jobs in a certain way. This may be having the knowledge how to do a certain nursing procedure, to assist in surgery, how to run machine and repair etc. this skill is very crucial for the nurses working in OT.


  • Conceptual skills

The imaginative ability to think on needs or problems, events and possibilities or consequences. The creativity in finding solutions. Quick observing ability to judge the situation. This skill is an essential scrub and circulating nurses.


  • Decision-making skills

It is the ability to select a most desirable course of action from alternatives to solve the problems that are in front. Everyday a nurse working in Operation Theater has to take hundred of decisions.


  • Confidentiality

It is one of the most basic requirements of patients. She should respect this. Nurses working in OT should maintain the confidentiality of every matter that is not supposed to be disclosed.


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