Drugs used in labour

Subject: Midwifery II (Theory)


Oxytocin, Prostaglandin, Ergot derivatives, Sedative and analgesic, Respiratory stimulants, Doxapram, and other drugs are utilized during labor. Oxytocin is a substance of varied chemical composition that has the ability to stimulate uterine muscle contraction. Pethidine is typically utilized in the initial stage of labor when the discomfort of labor morphs into regular, frequent, and painful contractions. A regional anesthetic cannot guarantee a painless delivery or make labor pleasant when the pain is intense. Epidosin is an injectable medication that promotes cervical dilatation and effacement. Epidosin can be administered if the cervix is 3 cm dilated.


Oxytocin is a substance of varied chemical composition that has the ability to stimulate uterine muscle contraction. It is generated in the hypothalamic supraoptic and paraventricular nuclei and stored in a posterior gland, which must release this hormone. Oxytocin has a half-life of 3-4 minutes and an action time of about 20 minutes. The following are crucial oxytocin preparation steps.

  1. Oxytocin vs syntonins
  2. Prostaglandin
  3. Ergo derivatives

Mechanism of Action

The contractile protein oxytocin is assumed to be blind to estrogen-dependent receptors on myometrial cell membrane activity. Oxytocin is also thought to cause the decidua to release prostaglandin. Both of these hormones cause fundal contraction and cervical relaxation.

  1. Produce rhythmical contraction of uterine muscles.
  2. Stimulates myoepithelial cells and ejects milk.
  3. A minimal effect in BP initially lows then rise.

Side effects

Euphoria, constipation, fatigue, dizziness, nausea, vomiting, dry mouth, anxiety, itching, and sweating are all common adverse effects. Loss of appetite, anxiety, abdominal pain, diarrhea, urine retention, dyspnea, and hiccups are less common adverse effects (reported by less than 5% of patients).

Oxycodone can cause shallow breathing, bradycardia, cold clammy skin, apnea, hypotension, miosis, circulatory collapse, respiratory arrest, and death in high dosages, overdoses, or in some people who are not tolerant to opioids.


  • Therapeutic
    - pregnancy
    - labour
    - puerperium
  •  Diagnostic
    - oxytocin challenge test
    - oxytocin sensitivity test
  • Pregnancy
    - to inevitable or missed and to expel hydatiform mole.
    - to stop bleeding following an evacuation of the uterus.
    - used as induction of abortion along with other abortifacient agents.
    - to induce labor
    - to facilitate cervical ripening for effective induction.
  • Labour
    - augmentation of labor
    - inactive management of 3rd stage of labor 


  • In later months of pregnancy
    - grand multipara
    - contacted pelvis
    - previous history of CS
    - mal presentation
  • During labor
    - all contraindication mentioned in pregnancy
    - obstructed labor
    - fetal distress
  • Anytime
    - hypovolaemic state
    - cardiac disease
    - placenta previa
    - placenta abruption
    - hypersensitivity reaction.

Methods of Administration

  1. Controlled IV infusion for induction of labor.
  2. Intramuscular:
    - the preparation used is syntometrine
    - as prophylaxis against hemorrhage alternative to ergometrine.
    - as a routine for active management of the third stage of labor.

Ergot derivatives

Two of the several ergot compounds are widely used. Ergometrine and methargin are the two.

Mechanism of Action

Ergometrine has a direct effect on the myometrium. It stimulates uterine contractions, which occur so often and with increasing severity that the uterus enters a condition of spasm with no respite in between.

Mode of Administration

  • Ergometrine and methergine can be used either parenterally or orally to induce tetanic contractions and are best used in the late second stage of labor or after the baby is delivered.
  • Syntometrine should always be supplied intravenously and should not be used after one month of manufacture.


  • Therapeutic
    to stop atonic uterine hemorrhage after delivery, abortion, or H mole expulsion
  • Prophylactic
    As a preventative measure against excessive postpartum hemorrhage, it may be used after the birth of the anterior shoulder to limit blood loss in the third stage of labor.
  • Therapeutic
    - heart diseases
    - the severe hypertensive disorder
    - suspected multiple pregnancies
    - organic cardiac disease
    - Rh-negative mother
    - pregnancy, the first stage of labor


  • Due to its vasoconstrictive effect, prolonged use may result in toe gangrene.
  • Prolonged use during puerperium may interfere with lactation by reducing prolactin levels.

Prostaglandin ( PGs )

Prostaglandin is the term given to the derivative of prostanoic acid. They have the ability to behave as local hormones. In 1935, von Euler described and called prostaglandin.

Mechanism of Action

When taken at the appropriate amount, both PGE2 and PGF2 alpha have an oxytocin impact on the pregnant uterus. A change in myometrial cell membrane permeability and/or an adjustment in membrane-bound cu++ are the most likely mechanisms of action. PGs also make the myometrium more sensitive to oxytocin. PGEs are at least 5 times more potent than PGF2 alpha. PGF2 alpha mostly acts on the myometrium, whereas PGE2 primarily acts on the cervix due to its collagenolytic characteristic.

Indication in Obstetrics

  • indication of abortion
  • termination of molar pregnancy
  • induction of labor
  • cervical ripening prior to induction of abortion or labor
  • medical mgmt of tubal ectopic pregnancy


  1. Absolute contraindications
    - hypersensitivity of compound
    - asthma
    - acute PID
  2. Relative contraindications
    - peptic ulcer
    - cardiovascular diseases
    - jaundice
    - renal disease
    - uterine scar

Advantages of using Prostaglandin

  1. It has a strong oxytocin effect when used during pregnancy. As such, it can be employed independently, most notably in the successful induction of abortion.
  2. It is more powerful than oxytocin.
  3. It has no antidiuretic properties.


  1. It is expensive and not commonly available.
  2. An extensive cervical laceration may develop when administered as an abortifacient.
  3. The uterine hyperactivity may persist even after the medication is stopped.


It has a powerful sedative effect but little analgesic efficacy. Pethidine is typically used in the first stage of labor when the discomfort of labor becomes regular, frequent, and painful contractions. The first dose is 50 mg IM, and it is repeated as soon as the impact of the first dose begins to wear off, without waiting for the re-establishment of labor pain. Nausea, vomiting, and delayed stomach emptying are all adverse effects of pethidine.


It is given Intramuscularly in a dose of 30-40 mg. Its duration is shorter and causes some respiratory depression. Iy also causes drug dependence. Naloxone is an efficient and reliable antagonist.

  1. Regional anesthesia
    A regional anesthetic cannot guarantee a painless delivery or make labor pleasant when the pain is intense. When comprehensive pain relief is required during delivery, the epidural analgesic is the safest and simplest technique for obtaining it.

  2. Epidosin
    Epidosin is an injectable medication that promotes cervical dilatation and effacement. Epidotic can be administered if the cervix is 3 cm dilated. On the closed O, inject epidosin IM or IV and repeat every half hour up to 3 ampoules. If the progress is not satisfactory, it can be increased to 10 ampoules.

  3.  Respiratory stimulants

  4. Nikethamide
    It works similarly to Doxapram. It can be given parenterally or orally. It has a lower therapeutic index than doxapram, increasing the likelihood of central excitation.

Mechanism of action

Respiratory stimulants either act directly on the medulla's central respiratory center or indirectly on the chemoreceptor.


  • intrauterine hypoxia
  • neonatal asphyxia
  • respiratory depression


Injection of 375 mg into an umbilical vein. If administered intravenously, arterial spasms and thrombosis may occur.

Nursing consideration

  • Throughout therapy, keep an eye on the baby's breathing rate and volume.
  • Overdosage symptoms include arrhythmia, hyperpyrexia, and convulsions.


It is a pyrrolidinone monohydrate. It is a central and respiratory stimulant with a short half-life. It exerts pressure and may stimulate catecholamine release.

Mechanism of Action

Respiratory stimulants either act directly on the medulla's central respiratory center or indirectly on the chemoreceptor.


  • intrauterine hypoxia
  • neonatal asphyxia
  • respiratory depression
  • chronic pulmonary disease


  • It is usually available in the form of injections such as; a Doxapram injection of 20mg/ml

Adverse effects

CNS: CNS stimulation, seizure, confusion.

CVS: hypertension, tachycardia, chest pain.

GIT: nausea, vomiting

Genitourinary: urinary retention

Miscellaneous: hiccups, rebound hypoventilation.

Nursing consideration

  • Throughout therapy, keep an eye on the baby's breathing rate and volume.
  • Overdosage symptoms include arrhythmia, hyperpyrexia, and convulsions.


Things to remember
  • Oxytocin or shntocin, Prostaglandin, Ergot derivatives, Sedative and analgesic, Respiratory stimulants, Doxapram, and other drugs are utilized during labor.
  • Oxytocin is a substance of varied chemical composition that has the ability to stimulate uterine muscle contraction.
  • Euphoria, constipation, fatigue, dizziness, nausea, vomiting, dry mouth, anxiety, itching, and sweating are all common adverse effects. And Two of the several ergot compounds are widely used.
  • Ergometrine and methargin are the two. Pethidine is typically utilized in the initial stage of labor when the discomfort of labor morphs into regular, frequent, and painful contractions.
  • Nausea, vomiting, and delayed stomach emptying are all adverse effects of pethidine.
  • A regional anesthetic cannot guarantee a painless birth or make labor bearable.
  • Epidosin is an injectable medication that promotes cervical dilatation and effacement.
Questions and Answers

Drugs Used in Labour

  • Oxytocin


Oxytocin is the drug and varying chemical nature that has the power to excite contraction of the uterine muscle. The following are important oxytocin preparation.

  • Oxytocin or shntocin
  • Prostaglandin
  • Ergo derivatives


  • Oxytocin

It is synthesized in the supraoptic and para ventricular nuclei of the hypothalamus and stored in a posterior gland, which releases this hormone necessarily. Oxytocin has a half life of 3-4 minutes and duration of action os approximately 20 minutes.

Mechanism of Action

Oxytocin is thought to blind to estrogens dependent receptors on myometrial cell membrane activities the contractile protein . Oxytocin is also thought to release prostaglandin from the decidua. These both hormone cause fundal contraction with a relaxation of the cervix.

  • Produce rhythmical contraction of uterine muscles.
  • Stimulates myoepithelial cell and eject milk.
  • Mininal effect in BP , initially lows then rise.

Side Effects

Common side effects include euphoria , constipation , fatigue , dizziness, nausea , vomiting , dry mouth, anxiety , itching, and sweating. Less common side effects (experienced by less than 5% of patients) include loss of appetite, nervousness, abdominal pain, diarrhea , urine retention , dyspnea , and hiccups .

In high doses, overdoses, or in some persons not tolerant to opioids, oxycodone can cause shallow breathing, bradycardia , cold-clammy skin, apnea , hypotension , miosis , circulatory collapse , respiratory arrest , and death.


  • Therapeutic
    • Pregnancy
    • Labour
    • Puerperium


  • Oxytocin challenge test.
  • Oxytocin sensitivity test.


  • Early
    • To inevitable or missed and to expel hydatiform mole.
    • To stop bleeding following an evacuation of the uterus.
    • Used as an induction of abortion along with other abortifacient agents.
  • Late
    • To induce labour
    • To facilitate cervical ripening for effective induction.


  • Augmentation of labour.
  • In active mgmt of 3rd stage of labour


  • In later months of pregnancy
    • Grand multipara,
    • Contacted pelvis,
    • Previous history of CS,
    • Mal presentation.

During Labor

  • All contraindication mentioned in pregnancy.
  • Obstructed labour.
  • Fetal distress.


  • Hypovolaemic state.
  • Cardiac disease.
  • Placenta previa.
  • Placenta abruption.
  • Hypersensitivity reaction.

Methods of Administration

  • Controlled IV infusion for induction of labour.
  • Intramuscular : the preparation used is syntometrine
  • As prophylaxis against hemorrhage alternative to ergometrine.
  • As a routine for active management of the third stage of labour.

Ergot Derivatives

Out of many ergot derivatives, two are used extensively. These are ergometrine and methargin.

Mechanism of Action

Ergometrine acts directly on myometrium. It excites uterine contraction which comes so frequently one after the other with increasing intensity that the uterus passes into a state of a spasm without any relaxation in between.

Mode of Administration

  • Ergometrine and methergine can be used parentally or orally, as it produce tetanic contraction and best to use in the late second stage of labour or following delivery of the baby.
  • Syntometrine should always be administered IM and must not be used beyond 1 month of manufacturing date.


  • Therapeutic
    • To stop the atonic uterine bleeding following delivery abortion or expulsion of H mole.
  • Prophylactic
    • As a prophylactic against excessive hemorrhage following delivery, may be used after the delivery of the anterior shoulder, reduce blood loss in the third stage of labour.


  • Prolonged use may lead to gangrene of the toes due to its vaso constrictive effect.
  • Prolonged use in puerperium may interfere with lactation by decreasing the concentration of prolactin.

Prostaglandin ( PGs )

Prostaglandin is the derivative of prostanoic acid from which they derive their names. They have the property of acting as local hormones. Prostaglandin were first described and named by vov Euler in 1935.

Mechanism of Action

When taken at the proper dose, PGE2 and PGF2 alpha both have an oxytocin impact on the uterus of the pregnant woman. Myometrial cell membrane permeability modification and/or modulation of membrane-bound cu++ are the most likely mechanisms of action. PGs also make the myometrium more sensitive to oxytocin. PGF2 alpha is at least 5 times less effective than PGEs. Due to its collagenolytic property, PGF2 alpha acts primarily on the myometrium while PGE2 primarily affects the cervix.

Indication in Obstetrics

  • Iindication of abortion.
  • Termination of molar pregnancy.
  • Induction of labour.
  • Cervical ripening prior to induction of abortion or labour.
  • Medical mgmt of tubal ectopic pregnancy.


  • Absolute contraindications
    • Hypersensitivity of compound.
    • Asthma.
    • Acute PID.
  • Relative Contraindications
    • Peptic ulcer.
    • Cardiovascular diseases.
    • Jaundice.
    • Renal disease.
    • Uterine scar.

Advantages of Using Prostaglandin

  • It has got powerful oxytocin effect, respective of a period of pregnancy. As such it can be used independently specially in induction of abortion with success.
  • It is more effective than oxytocin.
  • It has got no antidiuretic effect.


  • It is costly and is not available widely.
  • When used as an abortifacient, extensive cervical laceration may occur.
  • Hyperactivity of the uterus may continue even after discontinuation of its administration.
  • Sedative and analgesic.
  • Opioid analgesic.


Strong sedative properties, but less effective as an analgesic. The first stage of labor is when pethidine is typically used, and this is when labor discomfort transitions into regular, frequent, and painful contractions. The first dose is 50 mg IM, and subsequent doses are given as soon as the effects of the first dose start to wear off, without waiting for the return of labor pain.

The side effects of pethidine are nausea, vomiting, delayed gastric emptying.


A 30–40 mg dose is intramuscularly administered. It has a shorter duration and briefly impairs breathing. Iy also contributes to drug addiction. An effective and dependable antagonist is naloxone.

  • Regional Anesthesia

The Regional anesthesia can not ensure a painless delivery nor can they make labour tolerable when the pain is very severe. When complete relief of pain is needed throughout labour, the epidural analgesic is the safest and simplest method for procuring it.

  • Epidosin

Epidosin is an injectable medication that promotes cervical effacement and dilatation. Epidosin can be administered as long as the cervix is 3 cm dilated. Epidosin can be administered intramuscularly (IM) or intravenously (IV), repeating up to three times an hour on the closed os. If the progress is not completely satisfied, up to 10 ampoules may be added.

  • Respiratory stimulants
  • Nikethamide

It has actions similar to Doxapram. It may be administered parenterally or by mouth. It has a low therapeutic index than doxapram making central excitation more likely.

Mechanism of Action

The central respiratory center in the medulla is the site of direct action for respiratory stimulants, while the chemoreceptor is the site of indirect action.


  • Intrauterine hypoxia.
  • Neonatal asphyxia.
  • Respiratory depression.


375 mg injected into an umbilical vein. Do not administer intra-arterial, because arterial spasm and thrombosis may result.

Nursing Consideration

  • Monitor baby's respiratory rate and volume frequently during therapy.
  • Watch for sign of overdosage, arrhythmia, hyperpyrexia, and convulsions.


It is pyrrolidinone monohydrate. It is a drug that stimulates the central and respiratory systems quickly. It exerts pressure and might trigger a greater release of catecholamines.

Mechanism of Action

The central respiratory center in the medulla is the site of direct action for respiratory stimulants, while the chemoreceptor is the site of indirect action.


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