Subject: Midwifery II (Theory)
Maternal distress is a period defined by maternal dehydration, abnormal vital signs, and ketoacidosis during childbirth. It is an indicator that the labor should be terminated. In primigravidae, inefficient uterine construction such as hypotonic, hypertonic, incoordinate uterine activity, malpresentation/malposition, CPD, Contracted pelvis, and inflexible pelvic floor and perineum body can cause maternal pain. One of the first signs of discomfort is an increase in pulse rate, which may be 120 or more beats per minute, as well as a rise in temperature, labored restlessness, weakness and sweating, abdominal distension, and so on. Good nursing care includes surveillance from the start to prevent mother distress, such as pulses, respiration, temperature, blood pressure, fluid intake, urine output, FHS, and so on.
Maternal distress is a condition in which a woman's emotional and physical weariness during labor is induced by protracted labor and is characterized by maternal dehydration, abnormal vital signs, and ketoacidosis. It is a sign that the work should be stopped.
Define maternal distress.
The condition known as maternal distress refers to the woman's mental and physical exhaustion during labor, which is typically brought on by prolonged labor and is characterized by maternal dehydration, altered vital signs, and ketoacidosis. It is a sign that the labor ought to be stopped.
List the causes of maternal distress?
Extended labor because:
What are management of maternal distress ?
Management of Maternal Distress
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