Subject: Midwifery II (Theory)
The uterus has oxytocin receptors. With the start of labor, oxytocin receptors are enhanced in the uterus. Depending on changes in fetal pituitary-adrenal activity, it is possible that some signal is provided by the feto-placental unit, which is important for the metabolism of estrogen. The fetal adrenal cortex produces precursors for the synthesis of estrogen, which is rapidly produced by the placenta during the last week of pregnancy. A decrease in progesterone production may increase estrogen's ability to induce uterine muscle growth and prostaglandin (PG) synthesis. Prostaglandins are crucial for starting and maintaining labor. Sign and symptoms of onset of labour are feeling of activity and lightness on the part of the patient, diminution of the abdominal protuberance, increased vaginal secretion, lightening,Braxton hicks contraction,show, rupture of the membrane and ripening of cervix.
What are the Sign and symptoms of onset of labour ?
Sign and symptoms of onset of labour
What are the factors that causes onset of labour ?
Onset of Labour
The uterus has oxytocin receptors. With the start of labor, oxytocin receptors are enhanced in the uterus. Then, oxytocin encourages the decidua to release prostaglandins. Both the decidua and the placenta produce more oxytocin. At the time of birth, the level of oxytocin peaks.
It is possible that some signal is given from the feto-placental unit which plays a major role in estrogen metabolism depending on changes in fetal pituitary- adrenal activity the fetal adrenal cortex produces precursors for the synthesis of estrogen which rises rapidly during the last week from the placenta.
A decrease in progesterone production may stimulate prostaglandins (PG) synthesis and enhance the effect of estrogen which has a stimulating effect on uterine muscle.
The probable mechanisms are
Prostaglandins are the important factors which initiate and maintain labour.
Prostaglandins stimulate smooth muscle to contract. The major sites of synthesis
of prostaglandins are amnion, chorion, decidua cells, and myometrium.
Labour may also be initiated through nerve pathways. Both α and β adrenergic receptors are present in the myometrium, estrogen causing the α receptors and progesterone the β receptors to function predominately. The contractile response is initiated through the α receptors of the post -ganglionic nerve fibers and around the cervix and the lower part of the uterus. The pressure of presenting part on the nerve- endings in the cervix may play some part.
Stretching effect on the myometrium by the growing size of the fetus and liquor amnii can explain the onset of labour at least in twins and polyhydramnios. However, "optimal distension theory" fails to account for otherwise cause preterm labour.
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