Subject: Principles of Management
Decision-making procedure for choosing the best options out of all the options. The core of management lies there. Every management decides to carry out the given tasks and accomplish the intended organizational goals. Many situations and issues could arise when making decisions in the organization's many functional areas. Plans are created in order to obtain or attain the organizational goals. To achieve specified goals, effective planning is necessary. All pertinent facts and figures should be known to management.
Making decisions involves deciding which options among alternatives are preferable. The core of management lies there. Every management decides to carry out the given tasks and accomplish the intended organizational goals. Additionally, it is the plan of action. It involves identifying issues, coming up with potential solutions, weighing those solutions' potential effects, and selecting the best one. It is created either to solve issues or to accomplish organizational objectives. Making decisions requires consideration and consideration before acting, as it is a managerial function. While carrying out their duties of planning, organizing, staffing, leading, and controlling, managers must make a lot of decisions.
Many situations and issues could arise when making decisions in the organization's many functional areas. The best method should be used to address those issues. As a result, a manager actively participates in setting goals, creating plans, and taking appropriate action. It involves both the process of reasoning and the process of resolving issues with an organization by selecting a particular course of action.
According to George R. Terry-“Decision making is the selection based on some criteria from two or more possible alternatives”.
According to Webster’s Dictionary-“Decision making is the act of determining in one’s mind upon an opinion or course of action”.
According to Koontz and Weihrich-“Decision making is defined as the selection of course of action from among alternatives”.
According to Ricky W. Griffin-“Decision making is the act of choosing one alternative from among a set of alternatives”.
According to Joseph L. Massie-“A decision is a course of action consciously chosen from relevant alternatives for the purpose of achieving desired goals”.
These methods can be used to get around planning difficulties
Poudyal, Dr.Santosh Raj. Principles of management. Bhotahity,Kathmandu: Asmita Book publishers & Distributors(P)Ltd, 2011.
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