Subject: Midwifery I (Theory)
An prenatal examination is a checkup carried out during the antenatal period to provide a thorough evaluation of women. The supervision should be on-going and consistent. Once pregnancy has been confirmed, an antenatal visit should be initiated. Antenatal exams serve a number of purposes, including determining the woman's social, economic, and educational status, screening "high risk" cases, identifying complications early on, such as hypertension and anemia, and taking appropriate action, identifying any deviations from normal conditions that may result in maternal morbidity or mortality, such as obstructed labor and APH, and identifying and treating illnesses that the woman may have, such as anemia. By taking a history and checking the restroom, you can find anemia and TB. When taking a mother's history, various pieces of information, including biodata, marriage status, disciplinary actions, historical use of birth control, The following information is gathered from one person: current pregnancy, obstetric history, medical history, past and present obstetrical history, past and present medical and surgical history, and family history.
Ask if she had any problems during a previous pregnancy or during/ the following childbirth:
The woman's parents' and her siblings' health is something that should be carefully considered. It contains details on hereditary and contagious disorders, such as history of diabetes, tuberculosis, serious illness or complication, multiple pregnancies, APH, abnormal baby in the family, etc.
Memorize. 12.2. 2012.
PatientInfo. 01 December 2015.
Sweet, B.r., 1989, maye’s midwifery, A textbook for midwives; 11th edition, Bailliere Tindall, London, Philadelphia
Tuitui R. 2002, A textbook of Midwifery A (Antenatal), 3rd edition, Vidyarthi Pustak Bhandari (Publisher and Distributor), Bhotahity, Kathmandu
What are the purpose of antenatal examination or care ?
What are the information that are gathered during the history taking of pregnant women?
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