Subject: Midwifery I (Theory)
Amniotic fluid may be the consequence of both maternal and fetal contributions. At 8 weeks of pregnancy, amniotic fluid is found, and its typical amount fluctuates with age. The fluid is pale straw in color and is composed of water 98-99% and solid 1-2%. It allows the fetus to move freely, works as a shock absorber, has nutritious value, contains antibiotics and gammaglobulin, and is the finest natural cervix dilator.
The amount of amniotic fluid rises as the fetus grows. It roughly grows from 25ml to 400ml from the 10th to the 20th week. The fetus's breathing and swallowing reduce the amount of fluid slightly around the 10th week, but neither peeing nor swallowing contribute significantly to fluid quantity changes until the 25th week, when skin keratinization is complete. Then the link between fluid and fetal growth breaks off. By 28 weeks, it had reached a plateau of 800ml. At 42 weeks, the fluid level drops to around 400 ml. At birth, around 1L of amniotic fluid is present.
The fluid is light straw in color or tubid, somewhat alkaline, and has a specific gravity of 1.010. It has a significant hypotonicity to maternal serum.
Amniotic fluid contains hormones, enzymes, inorganic substances such as sodium, chloride, potassium, and suspended particles such as epithelial cells, vernix caseosa, exfoliated amniotic epithelial cells, and so on.
Under some conditions, the natural pale straw hue may be changed. Because of the presence of vernix caseosa, it may seem murky. The following are examples of abnormal appearance:
Following are the functions of amniotic fluid:
Medline Plus. 05 January 2017
Pregmed. 19 August 2013. <>.
Jones, D.L., 1973, Fundamentals of obstetrics and gynecology Volume 1, Obstetrics, reprint first edition, Derek Llewellyn Jone, 1969.
Dutta, D.C. 1998, textbook of obstetrics, 4th edition, New central book agency PVT LTD, India.
Tuitui R. 2002, A textbook of Midwifery A (Antenatal), 3rd edition, Vidyarthi Pustak Bhandari (Publisher and Distributor), Bhotahity, Kathmandu
Write the detail explanation of amniotic fluid
Amniotic fluid
It is the outcome of contributions from the mother and the fetus. The suggested mechanism is as follows:
The size of a fetus causes an increase in amniotic fluid volume. From the tenth to the twentieth week, it rises from 25 to about 400 milliliters. [Reference required] Beginning about the 10th week, the fetus's breathing and swallowing marginally reduce the amount of fluid, but until the 25th week, when skin keratinization is complete, neither urine nor swallowing considerably affect fluid quantity. After that, the connection between fluid and fetal growth is lost. By 28 weeks of gestation, it achieves a plateau of 800ml. At 42 weeks, the fluid level drops to about 400 ml. At birth, there is around 1L of amniotic fluid.
Amniotic fluid contains a hormone, an enzyme, inorganic compounds like sodium, chloride, and potassium, as well as suspended particles like epithelial cells, vernix caseosa, exfoliated amniotic epithelial cells, etc.
Abnormal Appearance
In some situations, the typical pale straw tint may change. Due to the vernix caseosa's presence, it could seem turbid. The following are examples of abnormal look.
Function of Amniotic Fluid
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