It is also known as the illness of the broken bones. It is an acute infectious sickness spread by mosquitoes that hurts joints and muscles.
Classification of dengue hemorrhagic fever:
Degree I :
Fever accompanied by other clinical symptoms or spontaneous bleeding, positive tourniquet test, thrombocytopenia.
Degree II :
Clinical manifestations of degree I with the manifestation of spontaneous bleeding under the skin like petechiae, hematoma, and bleeding from other places.
Degree III :
Clinical manifestation of degree II, coupled with the circulation system was found manifestation in the form of a rapid and weak pulse, hypotension with moist skin, cold and anxious patients.
Degree IV :
Clinical manifestations in patients with degree III coupled with a heavy shock was found manifestations with marked tension was measured and no palpable pulse.
Laboratory test
Microbiological laboratory testing.
Virus isolation and nucleic acid detection
Tests for dengue virus-specific antibodies.
Nursing management
Dengue fever has no specific therapy. Treatment options range from oral rehydration therapy at home with strict monitoring, depending on the symptoms.
Most of the time, interventional hydration is only required for one or two days.
Due to the risk of bleeding, invasive medical treatments such nasogastric intubation, intramuscular injections, and artery puncture are avoided.
To treat fever, use paracetamol.
Early blood transfusion is started for patients.
Intravenous fluids are stopped during the recovery period to avoid a fluid excess.
Prevention and control
Early detection treatment
A clinical feature should be monitored.
Treatment should be started immediately.
DHF needs hospitalizations for fluid and electrolyte.