Subject: Child Health Nursing
It is an inflammation of the middle ear caused by different types of bacteria and viruses depending on the patient's age. A virus is the most prevalent cause of otitis media, but it is not as severe and self-limiting. Acute suppurative otitis media (ASOM) is distinguished by abrupt acute discomfort in the ear, a sensation of fullness in the ear, tinnitus, bubbling sounds in the ear, and hearing loss that is less severe than in chronic otitis media. Hearing loss, tinnitus, and other clinical symptoms of Chronic suppurative otitis media (CSOM) Nursing management starts with nursing assessment: pain and suffering caused by inflammation and infections, hearing loss, ear discharge, and so on. Evaluation of indications and symptoms of problems such as mastoid bone soreness, vertigo, and headache. If surgery is scheduled, pre-operative and post-operative nursing care should be provided.
Following things should be considered carefully for nursing management of child with otitis media:
Medication at home, nutrition, wound care, hygiene, avoid air travel for 3 months after surgery, avoid hard food immediately after surgery, avoid pricking of ear within and sharp needle, avoid putting oil and water in ear, use ear plug, follow-up care, sign and symptoms of complications such as vomiting, fever, headache, and avoid exposure in a loud noised area should be prioritized.
Explain the nursing Management of Child with Otitis Media.
Nursing Management of Child with Otitis Media:
Pre- operative care if surgery is planned:
Post- operative care:
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