Matron ( Nursing Director )
Nursing Director is a title ( Matron )
Location or job: Hospital
Level: First Class Officer
Minimum requirement: BN/B.Sc. in nursing
In accordance with the Civil Service Act, experience
In charge of: Executive Director
In charge of: Senior supervisor, supervisor, and charge sister.
Relationship with: Hospital department heads, leaders of other hospitals, NGOs, and
IGOs pertaining to a specific hospital.
In an organization, a nursing director will serve as the nursing administrator, educator, supervisor/leader, counselor, and evaluator.
Administrative activities
- The needs of different staff levels and their requirements in the workplace should be assessed, evaluated, and planned.
- Analyze and compare the various clinical services and facilities that are offered.
- Plans and assigns duties to various levels of personnel in accordance with the requirements of the scenario and their capacity.
- Create a monthly schedule for the ward leader, senior supervisor, and sisters.
- To effectively administer the nursing department, take part in the budget development process.
- Keep up efficient communication both inside and outside the company.
- Plan and execute the necessary supplies and equipment through the proper channels.
- The nursing and support workers will get penalties and forward leave.
- Aids in keeping the environment clean and safe.
- Aid in maintaining positive public relations.
- Take part in hiring both nursing and non-nursing staff.
- Organize, lead, and take part in a staff meeting with nurses and other staff members.
- Clinical pursuits
- Plans and carries out grand round with executive director and daily round in various wards.
- Regularly oversee the program for in-service training and education.
- Regularly and infrequently monitor subordinate operations to raise their performance.
- Provide nursing staff with feedback on their clinical performance.
- Attend the meeting of the executive director.
- Take part in medical audits as required.
Educational activities
- Makes sure the nuring process is used.
- Regularly oversee the program for in-service training and education.
- Regularly and infrequently monitor subordinate operations to raise their performance.
- Help to foster a favorable teaching/learning environment in the hospitals.
- Improve the coordination of academic and clinical staff.
Research activities
- Encourage the conduct of research
- Determines the hospital's top priorities for nursing research.
- Plan, carry out, direct, cooperate with, and take part in research activities.
- Carries out the discovery in the clinical setting.
Counseling activities
- As needed, offer her subordinate counseling.
- Carries out initiatives to advance and motivate one's career.
Evaluation activities
- Routinely develops and implements a system for staff performance assessment.
- Plans and evaluations of the ward's nursing activity.
- Maintaining erroneous forms submitted by nursing staff and reporting them.
- Recommends appropriate rewards and sanctions.
- Provides staff with feedback as necessary.